
Don't let a sore throat ruin your summer holidays

Most of us would assume that a sore throat is something that is only likely to be a problem in the cold winter months.

But research commissioned by Strepsils has found that 82 per cent of us have regularly suffered from a sore or irritated throat in the spring and summer months.

The poll of 3000 people found that around one in eight of us have needed to take two days off work as a result of a sore throat, with around one in seven losing the equivalent of a whole weekend with friends or family as a result of an irritated or sore throat.

More than a third of people also reported throat problems during a foreign holiday, with the pain lasting for an average of two days.

So if you are worried your summer could be affected by a pain in the neck, here's a look at what causes it and how it could be tackled.


The throat, or pharynx, runs from the back of the mouth to the top of the respiratory and digestive tracts. You could think of it as the main highway for air and food with a system to remove any bacteria, viruses and other irritants that may have got on the road.

Sore throats immune as diet are common and the vast majority are typically the result of an infection by a virus. A sore throat may be caused by the common cold or by an illness that has a more widespread effect on the body such as the flu and glandular fever.

GP Dr Rob Hicks said: "The characteristic symptoms of a sore throat are often described as pain and trouble swallowing. Symptomatic relief can be achieved using medicated throat lozenges and if the sore throat is due to bacterial infection, antibiotics may be recommended."


With our hectic lifestyles, there aren't many of us who can lock ourselves away every time the season gets the better of our throat. So to give ourselves the best chance, we should avoid irritants that can cause reddening and swelling such as cigarette smoke, pollution, shouting or changes in air conditioning. Other tips include:

Breathing through your nose: Your nose is an excellent filter of bacteria and other harmful irritants and helps warm the air too.

Eating right: Vitamins found in fruit and vegetables will help support your immune system.

Swallowing regularly: Our saliva naturally helps to cleanse the throat and although it might hurt if your throat is sore already, it's one of the best things you can do.

Dr Hicks said: "As always, prevention is better than cure. It's vital to keep the immune system fighting fit so the body is in the best position to deal with a busy schedule.

"Ensuring we get enough rest, sleep and relaxation is essential, as stress weakens the immune system.

"Smoking also weakens the body's defences so should be avoided.

"Exercise boosts the immune system, as does a healthy diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables."


Even with the best of intentions, we are all likely to suffer from a sore or irritated throat at some point. But there are still some steps we can take to improve things. They include:

Drinking plenty of liquids to keep your level of body fluids up.

Inhaling the steam from a bowl of hot water if your nose feels congested is a good idea as this will help it to clear.

Try to avoid alcohol. The idea that alcohol disinfects the throat is a myth. In fact, drinking alcohol is much more likely to irritate than soothe.

Sucking an effective medicated lozenge can help lubricate the lining of the throat and provide symptomatic relief.

