
Through their eyes, it’s more magical

It’s hard to believe Christmas is less than a week away. Let the chaos begin!

I spent most of my weekend getting my Christmas shopping completed. Just a few more gifts for relatives, two for my daughter and one for my son and then I’m ready. I’m not panicked; in fact, I’m rather content about it!

As far as decor, I didn’t do much this year. A wreath on the door, a slate sign out front and candles with the Nativity set in the window. The tree is being decorated tonight, but no worry. We will enjoy it into January. Twelfth Night reigns in my household (and usually for a few days after that).

Oddly enough, the season has been an enjoyable one. We’ve taken the children to Christmas outings and listened to enough Christmas music in the car and at home. I’ll admit, however, it’s been difficult for me to get into the spirit of the season for a lot of reasons. When my children light up about it, however, all of that changes.

My 2-year-old son, sans the day he got his picture taken with Santa, has grown to love the Jolly Old Elf. He says, “ho, ho, ho” often and much when he hears Santa and sees him on TV, in print or in person.

We ventured to Hershey last evening to enjoy Christmas Candylane and endure the chilly temperatures. During that time, we had to visit Santa. It was truly a wonderful experience despite the cold and sore arms from holding my son, who decided he didn’t want to walk or ride in his stroller once the rides kicked in.

When it was out turn to greet Santa, Jacob ran to him and hugged him, and he and his sister, Amber, settled onto his lap for some chatter about last-minute wishes. Before we left, Jacob turned around and gave Santa a high-five. I don’t think the smile left my face for awhile.

We visited Santa’s Stables to see his reindeer, including Rudolph, whose nose, Amber was told, doesn’t light up until it has to — on Christmas Eve. The kids really enjoyed watching the antlered creatures saunter around the stable and even make their way to the guide we were talking with. Rudolph was one of them, along with Blitzen. They both wanted some feed, and gladly ate some from the bucket the guide was holding.

Watching my children enjoy the reindeer, a visit with Santa, the lights all aglow in the chilly darkness and the rides (oh, some of the fast-moving ones made our faces burn!) put me in the Christmas spirit. Perhaps the neatest thing on the way into the park was that Amber and Jacob were happy to approach a Nativity scene set up with Mary, Joseph, the infant Jesus, the Three Kings and shepherds and animals. As we were leaving the park at closing time, Jacob, in my arms, turned in the direction of the Nativity and said, “Baby!” in reference to the Baby Jesus. I told him to say goodbye, and that we would see the Baby Jesus later this week at church.

Actually, he will see the baby this evening as we place my daughter’s Precious Moments Nativity under the tree — a tradition that we have done since Amber received the set as a gift from my parents a few years ago.

It’s through their eyes wide with wonder and belief at this time of year that embrace the spirit that is Christmas, and I never want to let it go.

