
New Vegetarian Campaign Seeks To Get More Vegan Options In Restaurants

Try as I might, I tend to have a hard time not getting annoyed with vegans and vegetarians. It might not be right, but there’s something about those morally superior, animal loving bastards that just gets on my nerves. Even the passive ones that don’t shove veganism down my throat act as a sort of cold-sore under my tongue; but hey, better that than being sent emails titled “Check this out!” that end up featuring the entrails of fallen cows spread over a chicken pen while the chickens are bled out by way of ball-point pens.

The Washington City Paper did a story on a new “kill em with kindness” method being used by those who want to see more vegetarian and vegan options on menus. The plan is to leave a small card on the bill directing the server to give the card to the manager of the restaurant. From there, if the card is not thrown away, the idea is that it will help promote the inclusion of more vegan-friendly items on the menu.

My initial reaction is something like: If you choose to be vegan, order a salad. Your choice is not our problem. How about offering more options to those with allergies to wheat? That’s a problem that is slowly coming into the limelight as the allergy becomes more well known. Still, I respect that this method isn’t belligerent, or even that annoying, really. If a restaurant wants to make some vegan options available, more power to them. If not, than they understand they’d be forfeiting the less than five percent of Americans that follow a vegetarian diet - and that’s just the way it is.

