
'I' is for illness and infection

Your children could be bringing home more than just homework during the first few weeks of school.

Skin rashes, cold sores, strep throat and more are among the illnesses that spread easily in the classroom, where kids are in close quarters.

Though many common childhood infections are contagious, they generally aren't debilitating. What's more, there are steps parents can take to help prevent their kids from getting sick.

Frequent handwashing can significantly reduce the risk of contracting many infections, said Dr. Kate Cronan, an emergency room pediatrician at Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children and medical editor of KidsHealth.org, the website launched by the Nemours Foundation and headquartered at the hospital.

"The sooner parents start teaching children about hand washing, the better -- you want to teach kids at ages 4 or 5 on how to properly wash their hands," Cronan said. "They'll need supervision at the beginning, but teaching them makes it more likely that it will become a habit."

Carol Crowder said her four oldest children have dealt with pinkeye, strep throat, head lice and pneumonia over the years. So her youngest -- 6-year-old Jake -- has already been educated on the importance of washing his hands to help avoid illness as he starts kindergarten at Southern Elementary School in New Castle.

"I've also told him not to sit next to any other kids who appear sick," said Crowder, who lives in Augustine Beach.

Below are 10 common childhood infections and illnesses you should be aware of, with some helpful tips on how to treat them.
Cold sores

What it is: Cold sores are small red or purplish blisters that appear on the outer edge of the lip.

How it is spread: A type of herpes causes cold sores, but it has nothing to do with a sexually transmitted disease. Children can get the sores by kissing or sharing eating utensils with someone who is infected. The sores can be painful and can last as long as two weeks, according to MayoClinic.com.

"If a little child touches another person who has it and then touched their own mouth, they could possibly get cold sores," Cronan said.

