
How to Attack Cold Sores

Because cold sores do not look pretty, and are displayed for everyone to see, many people choose to cover them up with make-up.

Do NOT do that: I know it is not great to have a cold sore, but covering it up will not help you in any way. Believe me, I have tried, I am telling you it is not a good idea.

Normally, cold sores will have healed after about 10 days – give or take a few days. With that being said, you do not necessarily have to wait that long; because, fortunately, there are many treatments that can minimize the outbreak’s intensity and duration.

First off, you really want to make sure to keep the cold sore clean. That is the best way to start the healing. If you keep it clean, and do not touch it, it is the best way to prevent it from spreading.

Another way to get rid of cold sores is to drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated. It has been shown in a number of studies that drinking non-citrus fluids that are low in sugar can help cold sores to heal faster.

Another good idea is cooling the sore. This can simply be done with ice. This will prevent the virus from spreading, and containing the virus is one of the very most important things you need to do right now.

Plants can also help when it comes to cold sores. And there is one that I often use: Aloe vera. In my opinion, it is truly a life safer regarding cold sores. The plant looks like a cactus, and it contains a fair amount of juice. Applying it is really easy, too: Cut it open, press out the juice, and put that on the cold sore.

Other than that, over the counter medication is, of course, always an option, too. It is, in my opinion, certainly one that should be considered.

You can also purchase numbing creams that will alleviate any pain. This will make the time for a cold sore to heal more tolerable.

