
Many kinds of mouth ulcers

"Comprehensive dental examinations that include a screening for oral cancer will save

lives," says Dr. Louis Amendola, D.D.S., Chief Dental Director at the California-

based dental HMO.

Screenings for oral cancer are a routine part of dental exams at the company, which

has 250 company-managed offices in California, Arizona and Nevada.

The exam takes less than five minutes and involves a careful visual inspection of

your lips, cheeks, gums, tongue and throat. The dentist will check for swelling or

any changes in the color or texture of mouth tissues, says Dr. Amendola. The dentist

also will feel the floor of the mouth, the tongue and areas beneath the jaw bone to

check for growths or other abnormalities, he says.

"Many kinds of mouth ulcers, minor injuries or sores can resemble an early state of

cancer," says Dr. Amendola. "But if what you think is a cold sore or an injury from

biting your cheek doesn't heal in two weeks, have it examined by a dentist who can

determine the next steps," he says. "Typically, we'll refer any potentially

suspicious case to a specialist who may order a biopsy."

"Annual oral cancer screenings are one of the best methods we have to help control

the rate of the disease," says Samuel H. Gruenbaum, Western Dental President and

Chief Executive Officer. "It's a fast and painless exam that aims to discover any

health issues while they're minor and easily treatable," he says.

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, oral cancers that are detected in their

early stages offer a survival rate of 80 to 90 percent.

